Thursday, August 2, 2007

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Art 282 Design Final

Here are my two advertisements for my Art 282 final. I really enjoyed doing these ads because I got to explore two concepts that haden't been used before. My assignment was to pick a company and create two completely original advertising campaigns. The campaign I used really doesn't have a name, but I kept things simple, classy and cheeky.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Here are a couple of post-cards that I did for my design class.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Psychology Game Board

Here is a game board I worked on for my psychology class. It has a horror theme and is split between the basement (left) and the top floor (right).

Ad Campaign (Rough Sketches)

These are two images that I am currently working on for my design class. The premise of this assignment is to create two new and original advertising campaigns for an existing company. The company I chose is Java City and my main focus of this campaign is humor. The subject of this campaign is a cup with the Java City logo on it with some type of prop and text associated with the prop.

The first image is a Java City cup emmitting heat with the words "Global Warming" above the cup. Something I'm deciding on adding to the image is a small earth floating above the cup, receiving the warmth from the coffee.

The second is the Java City cup wrapped with a pair of panties, either a thong or a G-String. The idea I had with this ad is that it is geared mainly towards an 18 - 25 year old male demographic. This is an ad that one would find in GQ or Esquire. The image is supposed to impose "seduction" onto the reader as well as making any guy who sees it laugh out loud or muster a small chuckle (if they're that much of a prude)

Sports Illustrated Cover

This is my cover I used for my 2D design class using photoshop. The assignment was to created a magazine cover featuring yourself. I chose to feature myself receiving an award for "Coach of the Year" from Sports Illustrated. This was a fun project to do. Darin Indahl is credited for the photo of me.

CSU Rams Wallpaper

This is a wallpaper I did for fun featuring a football with a CSU Rams logo in the middle. I basically found a football with the logo in two dimensions. I made a green and gold background (Brush Strokes) and then liquified it. I then rendered the football to look three dimensional, added texture, an inner-glow and a drop shadow.